
Wee Siong “Sho” Goh (Principal Investigator)

Sho obtained his Bachelor’s in Bioengineering from University of Pennsylvania (USA) and his PhD in Biology from the Gregory Hannon lab at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (USA). He was a postdoctoral fellow at the William Burkholder/Stephen Quake lab at the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology (Singapore). He started his own lab as a junior principal investigator at the Genome Institute of Singapore (Singapore) before moving his lab to Shenzhen Bay Laboratory (China).
Research interests: 
Epitranscriptomics and thinking about the next RNA-based dogma
What’s your next vacation destination? 
Iceland or Switzerland. Somewhere with nice sceneries.

“Clare” Shiqing Zou (Research Assistant)

Clare is working on RNA modifications to find cell fate regulators in embryonic stem cells. She obtained her Master’s degree from Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (China).
Research interests: 
Epitranscriptomics and cell fate.
What’s your next vacation destination?
Turpan, Xinjiang, one of the most famous grape regions in China. Grape is my first fruit! Of course, I also want to experience the local customs of Xinjiang!

“E” Yi Zhang (Research Assistant)

Yi is developing tools to simultaneously sequence multiple RNA modifications. He obtained his Bachelors and Masters degrees from Southern University of Science and Technology (China).
Research interests: 
Epitranscriptomics and metabolomics.
What’s your next vacation destination?
Thailand, I am a big fan of seafood and durian.

Shahzina Kanwal (Associate Researcher)

Shahzina is applying multi-omic strategies to map m6A dynamics for identifying novel cell fate determinants in the early embryonic development of mammalian cells. She obtained her Master’s from Montpellier II University (France) and Ph.D. in Cell Biology from Paris Descartes University (France). She was an Assistant Professor at the National University of Science and Technology (Pakistan) and a postdoctoral fellow/young-talent-fellow at Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health (China).
Research interests: 
Epitranscriptomics, cell fate determination, & chemotherapeutic resistance in cancer
What’s your next vacation destination?
I have a long list! Turkey and Greece are on the top of the list these days but most of the time I end up visiting Pakistan to see my family =)

“Ivan” Yifan Hong (Joint Associate Researcher with Justin Tan Lab @SZBL)

Ivan uses computation to develop new tools for high-resolution epitranscriptomic sequencing. He obtained his Ph.D degree from the Department of Chemistry, University of Hong Kong (China), and Bachelor’s degree from the School of Pharmacy, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (China).
Research interests: 
Epitranscriptomics, Systems pharmacology, Bioinformatics, Proteomics, Transcriptomics, Math modeling and Statistical inference
What’s your next vacation destination?: 
Xinjiang, I always wanna see the vast landscape of deserts and mountains in the west of China.

“Ann” Huihui An (Joint PhD student with Wong Lab @HKU)

Ann uses sequencing approaches to characterize novel functions of various RNA modifications of interest. She obtained her Master’s in Medicinal Chemistry from Nankai University (China).
Research interests: 
Novel functions of RNA modifications
What’s your next vacation destination?: 
Switzerland. I want to experience a different life.

Mohua Das (Joint postdoctoral fellow with DasGupta lab @GIS)

Mohua uses epitranscriptomic sequencing to study how unique RNA methylation patterns contribute to cancer phenotypes. She obtained her Bachelor in Pharmacy from West Bengal University of Technology (India) and PhD in Medicinal Chemistry from the National University of Singapore (Singapore).
Research interests: 
Cancer epitranscriptomics, Precision oncology
What’s your next vacation destination? 
Next vacation spot has to be home coz I haven’t been home in last 3 yrs. But ideal but not next vacation spot has to be Machu Picchu coz I want to experience and know more bout their unique historical structures.


“Cassie” Zhaoqi Lu (Research assistant)

Cassie previously engaged in clinical work in endocrinology and metabolism, and obtained her Bachelor and Master’s degree from Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine (China). She was our RA from 2022 to 2023.
Research interests: 
Epitranscriptomic readers, RNA modification in metabolic diseases
What’s your next vacation destination?
Africa, the wild beauty has always fascinated me.
Current position:
PhD candidate at Technical University of Munich (Germany)

Yeek Teck “Irvyn” Goh (Senior Research officer)

Irvyn obtained his Bachelor’s in Biology from the Nanyang Technological University (Singapore). He was the second to join the Goh Lab back in 2018 and was with us till 2021.
Research interests: 
Epitranscriptomic Writers, Viral epitranscriptomics
What’s your next vacation destination? 
Maybe okinawa, stay along nice beach, can enjoy water sports, drink nice matcha, eat seafood sashimi.
Current position:
Senior research officer at Genome Institute of Singapore (Singapore)

Junyan Yu (Lab intern)

Junyan obtained her Bachelor’s in Biological Science from SUSTECH (China) and interned at the Goh Lab from 2020 to 2021.
Research interests: 
Molecular mechanisms of carcinogenesis, tumor microenvironment engineering, and quantitative technological innovation in experimental life science research.
What’s your next vacation destination? 
Northwestern China, just wish to visit Dunhuang and other historical cities again, and I also love the desert landscape there.
Current position:
PhD candidate at the Department of Biophysics at Ohio State University (USA)

Casslynn Wei Qian Koh (Senior research officer)

Casslynn obtained her Bachelor’s in Biology from the Nanyang Technological University (Singapore). She was the first to join the Goh Lab back in 2018 and was with us till 2021.
Research interests: 
Sequencing tech-development, Epitranscriptomic Readers
What’s your next vacation destination? 
I would really really love to go to Cappadocia in Turkey sometime in the future to ride on a hot air balloon! Imagine having a panoramic view of the city and valleys with hundreds of other hot air balloons as a backdrop and being able to catch the sunrise or sunset at the same time!
Current position:
Laboratory manager at Genome Institute of Singapore (Singapore)

Huy Duong (Visiting Student)

Huy was pursuing his Bachelor’s in Biology at the Nanyang Technological University (Singapore) and interned at the Goh Lab for 5 months in 2020.
Research interests: 
Epitranscriptomic Readers and Viral epitranscriptomics
What’s your next vacation destination? 
I want to visit Japan for my next vacation because of the nice cuisine and the great landscape. I also want to know more about the society, culture and the night life of this country.
Current position:
Project officer at Nanyang Technological University (Singapore)

Phoebe Yap (Visiting Student)

Phoebe was pursuing her Bachelor’s in Biology at the University of British Columbia and interned at the Goh Lab for 8 months in 2019.
Research interests: 
Epitranscriptomic Writers and Readers
What’s your next vacation destination? 
Malaysia to see family?
Current position:
DNA technician at UBC Biofactorial Facility (Canada)


First white elephant and as expected, no one got exactly what they wanted! (not for a lack of trying from Sho)

There’s actually a lot going on in this 1 photo…
Cassie’s punishment for forgetting to add DTT

Despite the many years of the lab’s history, this was the first time we did Secret Lab Santa (and with Pakistani snacks!). Seems people in the lab don’t like to gift-wrap.

2022 Lab outing and pseudo-farewell for Ann

Self-professed non-durian lover, Shahzina trying durian mooncake for the 1st time but which picture is “before” and which is “after”?
Irvyn’s birthday celebration in 2021 with our lab drinking buddies Evonne and Jiemin
It’s lockdown 2020, but that won’t stop us from drinkin….. discussing science online.
Paper acceptance celebratory/Phoebe’s farewell lunch at Beauty in the Pot in 2019 with honorary lab members Sarah and Dan Liang
Irvyn before we dared him to jump into the Niagara Falls
Where lab members get sent to reflect on their mistakes after screwing up an experiment
One way or another, we’re productive
Here we are drinkin…. discussing science at the 84th Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Symposium on Quantitative Biology: RNA Control & Regulation in 2019
How it all started